Control Procedure



1. Quality control at the stage of methodology development and data sampling calculation

The information trustworthiness is guaranteed due to a thorough study of the research sampling structure, principle of its creation, representativity. A thorough following the methodology of research lays a foundation for high quality of research information


2. Quality control while preparing for field work and in its cause

Before the field work RAI employees do obligatory piloting of questionnaires as well as carry out briefings and trainings for interviewers and regional partners. During the field works each interviewer undergoes an obligatory intermediate check of performance.

3. Quality control after the end of field work

After the end of field work 100% of filled in questionnaires are visually checked, interviewer’s routing charts and regional partners’ reports are verified. 10% of filled in questionnaires are checked by a second personal interview, by telephone or by post. It is verified whether the interview has really taken place and the key questions are checked. During a telephone survey all calls are registered allowing the client to listen to any interview. Quality control of depth, expert interview and focus-groups implies listening to and watching of audio and video records and verification of transcription fro correspondence.

4. Quality control at the stage of data processing

During the data processing the primary information array is checked for completeness and compatibility.

5. Interviewers’ performance analysis for all the projects

On each stage of the project information of the interviews’ performance is collected and analyzed. A special software system allows to have detailed information of all projects in which the interviewer has participated and to assess the level of his(her) qualification for performing work under the certain project

603000 Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, ul.Zvezdinka, Building 20B, P4

Phone: +7 (831) 216 08 01 / +7 (831) 216 08 02 / +7 (831) 216 08 03

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