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Package offers of research products concerning the product, buyers, communications, competitors.

Range of products optimization

Purpose: creation of a model of the range of products meeting the purposes and targets of the organization
Technology: combination of study of inner and outer information of the company on the basis of multidimensional analysis methods
Result: model of the optimal range of products.
Expert examination of efficacy of the package design

Purpose: to assess the attractiveness of the product package design for the final buyer.
Technology: ImaginePack.
Methods: focus-group discussions, hall-test
Result: choice of a package design which exercises the maximum influence on sales growth.
Which are the profit yielding spheres? Analysis of macroeconomic indicators of markets development: volume, share, dynamics

Purpose: to assess characteristics and prospects of the market development as regards the main macroeconomic indicators.
Technology: InvestPoint. Multidimensional analysis of macroeconomic indicators of the market development.
Methods: desk research. Interview with experts.
Result: analysis of prospective markets as regards a range of characteristic features and choosing of the most prospective ones.
Product launch: development forecast

Purpose: to develop a medium-term forecast of the product development for 5 years.
Technology: BrandChallenge
Methods: desk research, product testing by focus-groups\hall tests, retail research.
Result: product development forecast including characteristics of the sales volumes, popularity, target audience flow.
Development of the product positioning concept

Purpose: to develop the product positioning concept
Technology: MindPosition
Methods: focus-group discussions, creative tests, hall-test
Result: choice of the concept that provides for achievement of the set purposes and targets of development of market positions of the product.
Expert examination of the brand image

Purpose: to assess the level of influence of the existing brand image on the sales volume
Methods: focus-groups, hall-test
Result: recommendations of creating an efficient brand image.
Expert examination of sales system in the В2В market
Purpose: Expert examination of appropriateness of the sales system in the B2B market as regards satisfaction of the buyers’ demands. Creation of a model that describes efficiency the sales complex: personnel, brand, logistics, service
Method: expert interview, mystery shopping, desk research
Result: recommendation of modification of the sales system from the point of view of increase of the final buyers’ satisfaction.
All depends on Human Resources! Assessment of efficacy of rendering services or your personnel through the eyes of the buyers
Purpose: to assess the efficacy of performance of your personnel, to assess correspondence to the performance standards.
Technology: mystery shopping. Number of interviews for 1 sales point is 5 to 12.
Result: assessment of correspondence to the performance standards, recommendations as regards personnel training.
Do you know your clients? Segmentation of the target auditorium: behavior, social-and-psychological patterns, consumption motivation

Purpose: to do multifactorial segmentation of the target auditorium, create a general model of the of the target auditorium, to analyze the subgroups.
Method: interview with representatives of the target auditorium. Sampling for one city(town) is 500 to 800 persons.
Result: Description of the target auditorium as per the aggregate of significant parameters, typologization and classification into groups of the target auditorium as per non-overlapping parameters, development of recommendations as regards strategies of interaction with the target auditorium groups.
Why do your buyers purchase from others: motives and factors of buyers’ behavior?

Purpose: find out the motives of buyers’ behavior.
Method: interview with representatives of the target auditorium. Sampling for one city(town) is 500 to 800 persons.
Result: summary analysis of motives and factors of buyers’ behavior, recommendations of influence on the buyers’ behavior.
Retail: how the buyers make their choice where to bring their money?

Purpose: to find out the criteria of choice of sales points and to create the tools influencing the buyers’ choice.
Method: interview with representatives of the target auditorium. Sampling for one city(town) is 500 to 800 persons.
Result: outline of choice of sales points by the buyers, finding out significant characteristics that make the sales point attractive, recommendations on increase of the number of buyers.
Analysis of basis purchase

Purpose: to assess the place of the studied product in the buyer’s purchase basket, to find out the potential threat of substituting goods.
Technology: SCIF-analysis. Study of sales drafts.
Result: detailed data as regards what, where and in which combination is bought by the sales point customers.
New product: forecast of the buyers’ assessment

Purpose: to define the model of the buyer’s reaction to the new product
Technology: InsightImage, multifactorial modelling
Result: at least 7 models of buyers’ reaction to the product have been created, forecast as regards possibility of implementation of a certain model has been made.
Influence of loyalty on the sales dynamics
Purpose: to define the level and dynamics of interrelation of the organization’s clients’ loyalty level and sales dynamics
Technology: LoyaltyMonitor
Methods: analysis of interior and outer information of the organization, quantitative survey, expert interview
Management of the clients’ satisfaction
Purpose: to define the optimal level of the clients’ satisfaction which allows to achieve the planned sales volume.
Methods: modeling of sales situation within a hall-test
Result: list of indicators, methods of achievement and maintaining of the optimal level of the clients’ satisfaction.
Panel market research: how to keep abreast of the events?
Purpose: regular monitoring of the market situation, monitoring of the buyers’ behaviour.
Method: interview with representatives of the target auditorium. Sampling for one city(town) is 500 to 800 persons.
Result: regular data of the market situation: buyers’ behaviour, motives and preferences.
Line: study of information field and communications
Choice of the best promotional way

Purpose: to find out the most popular channels of information for the target auditorium. Assessment of efficiency of cooperation with each channel.
Method: interview with representatives of the target auditorium. Sampling for one city(town) is 500 to 800 persons.
Result: information of popularity of the considered promotional channels for the target auditorium. Forecast of efficacy of some cannels
Assessment of efficacy of an advertising campaign in FMCG segment

Purpose: to assess the efficacy of an advertising campaign as regards the following indicators: retention in memory and purchase\use of the product\service.
Method: survey of the buyers. Sampling for one city(town) is 500 to 800 persons.
Result: comparative data of recognizability and retention in memory of the advertising campaign, assessment of efficiency of the chosen channels.
Creative ideas in advertisement: forecast of the market response

Purpose: to test samples of advertising, predict the target auditorium response.
Method: focus-groups and in-depth interviews. 4 to 7 focus-groups.
Result: characteristic features of perception of advertising by representatives of the target auditorium. Forecast of the target auditorium response. Forecast of the advertising influence upon the sales volume.
How many clients BTL events gave you: assessment of cost-effectiveness of BTL

Purpose: assessment of efficiency of BTL events.
Method: questioning of representatives of the target auditorium. Sampling for one city(town) is 500 to 800 persons. Study of inner sales statistics, finding out trends using mathematical statistics methods.
Result: comparative data of recognizability and retention in memory of the BTL campaign, assessment of efficiency of the chosen channels.
Line: Study of competitors
Who are your competitors: in-depth analysis of competitive environment?

Purpose: to describe the general situation in the studies market and positions and prospects of each player.
Method: desk research, expert interviews. 20 to 35 interviews.
Result: competition maps of the studied market describing the key characteristics of the players (manufacturing\trading facilities, sales volumes, development plans)
Advertising activity monitoring of the market players

Purpose: assessment of the advertising activity in the studied mass media channels: TV, radio, printed and electronic mass media, out-of-door advertisement
Method: tracing of competitors’ activity using recording devices (video and audio records, examination of content of printed and electronic mass media). Making a consolidated base.
Result: summary tables-charts with assessment of activity of the studied players accompanied by samples of advertising products.
Price audit

Purpose: regular price monitoring in the studied sales points
Method: audit, price listing.
Result: list of prices for the studied goods in the studied sales points.
Optimization of pricing policy

Purpose: to create of the optimal pricing policy in FMCG markets
Technology: RAI PriceMapping:
analysis of internal information of sales,
modeling of price choice within a quantitative research,
analysis of influence of non-pricing factors within a qualitative research
Result: effective price strategy
4v light
Choosing pricing policy
Purpose: to create of the optimal pricing policy in FMCG markets
Technology: PriceMapping
Result: effective price strategy
Benchmarking in practice or secrets of conducting business
Purpose: finding out technologies of conducting business
Technology: business intelligence
Result: Description of technologies of conducting business, recommendations on implementation
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