Data Control


RAI quality control standards meet the requirements of the European Society of Marketing Research Professionals (ESOMAR), one of the most famous and reputable research associations in the world founded in 1948.

Taking into consideration the importance of data quality control we consciously increase the requirements and exceed ESOMAR standards because the reserve of quality should be 140% if one intends to obtain a 100% quality data. Within implementation of this principle RAI has developed a technology of paperless project control. All activity as regards the project is performed using a special software system which enables the director or a client to control remotely the works performance and project execution quality.

603000 Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, ul.Zvezdinka, Building 20B, P4

Phone: +7 (831) 216 08 01 / +7 (831) 216 08 02 / +7 (831) 216 08 03

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