Data Verification Procedure



RAI projects undergo obligatory verification of received data. This procedure is carried out by the specialists of both, the control and analytics departments, who are not involved in implementation of the verified project. Only after confirmation that the project has been implemented applying all the RAI standards the Client gets the final materials. In 10% of cases for verification procedure specialists in related spheres, spheres of the research topic and scientists are invited

Stages of verification of a marketing research product

1.      Verification of research program and  working hypotheses

2.      Verification of correspondence of the tools to the solved problems

3.      Verification of completeness and appropriateness of the field work plan

4.      Verification of quality of data collection organizing

5.      Verification of quality of filling in questionnaires and forms

6.      Verification of completeness of control procedures

7.      Check of the operator’s errors made while entering data

8.      Verification of completeness and appropriateness of calculations plan

9.      Verification of completeness of solving the set problems in the final materials.

603000 Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, ul.Zvezdinka, Building 20B, P4

Phone: +7 (831) 216 08 01 / +7 (831) 216 08 02 / +7 (831) 216 08 03

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