Professional Development



RAI system of preparation and development of HR capacity includes professional development of employees in Russian and foreign higher education institutions and educational centers, undergoing training periods in Russian and foreign companies of the same sphere.

Plan of professional development of RAI employees is made up in accordance with individual employees’ plans of career progress.

Heads and employees of RAI have an opportunity to develop professionally in Russian and foreign higher education institutions in various specialities:

·         Management

·         Marketing

·         Finance and credit

The majority of RAI management has completed the Presidential Program of Management Training and has undergone training periods in foreign companies in accordance with their speciality (Great Britain, Germany, Japan).

Principles of RAI personnel development and training:

  • creating a development system on the basis of analysis of needs for development of the enterprise in general taking into consideration its strategic priorities;
  • constant development of the employees for the whole period of their professional activity;
  • inextricable connection between the qualification and career progress;
  • involvement in the system of development of all personnel categories;
  • differentiated approach to training of various categories of personnel;
  • application of modern educational programs and methods;
  • responsibility of heads of all levels, HR department and the employees for the training process.

603000 Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, ul.Zvezdinka, Building 20B, P4

Phone: +7 (831) 216 08 01 / +7 (831) 216 08 02 / +7 (831) 216 08 03

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